Rainbow Six Siege and Overly Punishing Game

Dimas “Noto” Notowidjojo
5 min readJan 9, 2021

Look, I know it sounds silly but Rainbow Six Siege is the only game that hasn’t reach the peak of its game right now compared to other competitive shooters like Valorant, CSGO, and even Overwatch, and this is my opinion of it. The most prolific comment I would provide here is Shroud’s comment on his Livestream about Rainbow Six. He said that Rainbow Six is too serious and too “sweaty” to play and so people would get tired so fast. Most of the fans critiques that if you want to do slack gaming play more Call of Duty, but that's not the case.

High Punishment Tires New Players

Okay, who’s right now is entirely enjoying their first 10 hours of Rainbow Six Siege, apart from people that did Close Beta Test and the first launch? No one! Yes, Siege is that game that you can be slaughtered by players by the second you entered the first online games, and there are no lenients for those who newly played Siege. I bought Siege three times, one for my brother, one for me, and one is for my PS4, and the game feels like torture in the first minute.

Okay, you entered your first game and you are literally blind. You don’t know your objective, you don’t know what are you capable of and you certainly don’t know what your enemy can do, heck you don’t even fully adapt to the control scheme. You entered the game as an attacker, dashing to the building and suddenly you are dead by a spec of black dot on the window peeking up there. Now, what do you do? Sit and wait for another 2–4 minutes until the round is over. Is it done? No, because right now you have to play as a defender. As a defender, you don’t know the map, you don’t know anything only to see your friends setting up the barricade and you decide, “aight imma follow them”. Wrong walls barricaded, Bam you got shot in the head by your friend because you do a wrong wall. You don’t get it but then, you have to wait for 2–4 minutes again.

Siege is a game designed to be hard to learn and hard to master. Hard to learn means that you have to understand each operator and what they actually can do while learning the shooting mechanic. Hard to Master, in my opinion, is how you implemented what have you learn before into the game, and with the maps that bring a million possibilities. Destructive walls, many ways to enter the objective, the cheese starts are something you need to master to become good in this game. Siege, in my opinion, is not a very skill-based game, a game if you are good enough then you can kill 5 other people. Siege is a team game that forces you to work together as a team and do your objectives. If you are, I say, 15 hours into this game then this is your first pitfall to really enjoying this game, but what about the new players.

New Players are stuck with a “newbie server” that takes forever to find a match, training which they don’t have any relation to the real game, and the T-hunt which is a fun way to train your motoric skills, but not your real in-game knowledge (which wall to be barricaded, what are my objectives if the bomb in this location, etc). All those things are not preparing the new players for the game. And then there are casual games which is very much punishing, The unranked games which are unranked but seemingly very same as the ranked, and after a certain level, they can do rank which is the super stress mode I can tell you that. I played a lot of competitive games, and siege is definitely up there with DOTA2 and LoL.

Time to Change

Aight, this is supposed to be people are yelling to me by saying “ if you don’t like Siege, play COD more”. Well I mean, that’s not the point. The point is how people enjoy more Siege and make this game a better game in the future. First, in my opinion, this game has no bot mode. Yes, T-hunt is a bot mode but not the “Bomb” bot mode. The bot mode is one mode that I often do to learn more about the mechanics, the hero, and of course the map. For LoL and DOTA2 this is crucial for me. Before I tried a hero or a build-in multiplayer, I often played a handicapped single player which I can understand more how I benefited from this build if my team sucks. Implementing Bot bomb mode will make the new players learn more before they get into the real world. Like riding a new bicycle, sometimes you start with a tricycle and this is what tricycle in competitive mode. CSGO, LOL, and DOTA2 have their bot mode and they are awesome because I can learn more in a sandboxed condition.

The second is a quick mode, it's like condensed bomb mode but a shorter time. A shorter prep time, shorter insertion time, and shorter rounds basically make everything shorter. DOTA has its own turbo mode, which is amazing because you can play DOTA with Mobile Legends timeframe.

And last I would suggest is to revamp all the training sessions because none of them are useful when you are in the game, Do more objective base instead of map base. What are your objective is, what to do, what not to do, all these things explained simple enough for new players to know the basics of the game, not with 10 separate levels. Make it like LoL which has I think 3? Dota 2 also has 3 introduction levels which very much explains everything.

Ubisoft Community Hub I really love your game, and especially R6 and Splinter Cells. I really hope you do read this and actually do something about this.


From a fan


Please ban mouse and keyboard users in the console because they are annoying AF!



Dimas “Noto” Notowidjojo

Digital Marketer / Esports Enthusiast/ Professional Shitposters