Football Should Be Separated from Religions and Politics: Not Hot Takes

Dimas “Noto” Notowidjojo
3 min readMar 27, 2023


Photo by Sandro Schuh on Unsplash

As a fan of football, I have always viewed it as a unifying force that unites people regardless of their history, beliefs, or culture. I recall waking up at an ungodly hour of 3 AM to watch Liverpool’s Comeback in the 2005 Champions League Final with my brother, and ever since then, football has been an essential aspect of my life. Throughout the years, I have supported Chelsea F.C. and appreciated the qualities of Jose Mourinho as a football manager.

In this short thought, I would like to talk about the importance of keeping football separate from politics and religion. I am not discussing this issue from a political or religious stance but rather as a football enthusiast who cherishes the sport’s integrity. It is disheartening to see how politics and religion have affected football recently, and I believe it is time to resist this tendency.

Football is a beautiful game that should bring people together, not divide them. Although there have been cases where fans have fought each other physically, football is commonly recognized as a peaceful sport. One of my favorite footballers, Didier Drogba, played a pivotal role in ending the civil war in Cote D’Ivoire by scoring goals. This exemplifies how football can unite people and promote peace.

However, certain individuals are using football as a platform to promote their political or religious beliefs. For example, specific countries have been barred from international football competitions due to political conflicts. In the case of the U20 World Cup in Indonesia, the country vehemently refused to allow the Israeli U20 team to participate, citing religious and political reasons. This is a blatant example of how politics and religion have infiltrated football and caused unnecessary tension and division among supporters.

Similarly, the Qatar World Cup, taking place in a Muslim country, has not approved any LGBTQ+ movements. This has resulted in several supporters and journalists promoting the cause within the stadium, leading to civil unrest. Intertwining politics and religion with football can lead to violence and conflicts that can ultimately harm the sport’s reputation and cause lasting damage.

In my view, football should be a secure and comprehensive space where everyone feels welcomed, regardless of their beliefs. Combining politics and religion with the sport can cause certain groups to feel excluded or marginalized, which contradicts football’s essential values of inclusion and diversity.

By separating football from politics and religion, we can ensure that the sport remains focused on its core values, such as teamwork, sportsmanship, and fair play. When politics and religion enter the picture, these values can be compromised or overshadowed, which can have adverse effects on the sport and its participants.

While I support campaigns such as the RESPECT campaign that promote safe spaces for people to play football, I do not support forcing people to support a particular cause. For example, an LGBTQ+ campaign in a country that staunchly denies it may not be the best approach. It is crucial to recognize that not every country may have the same beliefs and values, and respecting these disparities is vital.

In conclusion, football is just a sport, and we must keep this in mind. Although it can have a significant impact on people’s lives and emotions, it is important to maintain perspective and not allow political or religious differences to detract from the sport’s enjoyment. Let us embrace the values of inclusion and diversity that are fundamental to football and avoid any controversies that may harm the sport’s reputation.

