An Open Letter for Adventurer @ The Big Rich Group

Dimas “Noto” Notowidjojo
4 min readNov 24, 2022


Believe it or not, this is the fifth opening i wrote and i always hated when i say goodbye to people. Personally i don’t wanna be Sam Smith because he is too good at saying goodbye. No this not a joke, nor any of my antiques, This is me really saying goodbye to you.

For the past year + 3 months, although my life was hard enough, You made me feel better. I still remember the first day i met mas Ramzy, then introduced by him to everyone. Met with mbak Naila, Mas Algi; Bendol and his team; and of course overly enthusiastic boss, Patrick Gunawan. I feel like i am able to get along with him because from the minute 0 we literally “Duel Mechanically” of how do you market your digital agency over the Google Meet, Yep i still remember that day

My opinion about Patrick Gunawan is, and always been, an Egghead. He is just too good. I am all about preparation, but he is like 2 steps ahead of me. That’s why when he teases me to be good as he, i said to him that i wanted to be better than him. A mortal enemy? Thats too far i guess, uhmm… “ Worthy Opponent” after a while. Like Moriaty to Holmes? He is just too good. I learn a lot from him as a boss/subordinate, and as a friend.

For Ega, Diaz and Kibo, i’m sorry that it have to be this way. Personally you guys are superb. I really enjoy every minute i hung out with you guys. Of course you as well, Bendol. I’m sorry have to be this way. I know this may be hard but, you will hear no more of any dad jokes again.

For Kuple and Azhar, The TBRG Chelsea FC fan club, please keep on supporting Chelsea even after i gone, because i will not be with you anymore.

For Kenza,突然だけど。でもこれは私最後の手紙。オタクとして、仲間として、本当にありがとうございました。あんたはいい人です。

For Creative Team, thank you for everything. Boby and Aldy you are a good talent. Especially Boby, i know you will develop into a good digital marketer if you learn more about it. I know you are lazy to study but you have good sense. Aldy, bro… you need to stop supporting Tottenham and looking into a better team lol, but anyway you have a good eye of design and i know you will be a good designer. David, no offense bro, you like a drug dealer lol. My suggestions for you is, always believe.

Kompol and Reza, You guys are a blast. Telaso gang sticks together and i enjoy time with you. The last is my lovely bosses, Algi and Naila. My Childhood actress waifu AKA Dian Sastro says something like “ What you did to me is, cruel” LOL JK. I really enjoyed working with you guys, especially Algi. You have something special within you, and i hope that something special will become beautiful in the future.

Sena, Christian and Jody. I have no words with you, because one maybe i still have some debt to be clear with, and I really enjoy time with you guys. I am sorry have to be like this but, i love you guys (Not gay btw)

Teposlira, an old javanese proverb to teach us about conducting. Basically it goes like this, “ If you dont want to be bitten, dont bite.” Me personally like to bite other person, because i dont really mind to be bitten. In fact chew me because that was a friend for right? Bickering and bantering is part of friends. But some of my bickers gone bit too far i guess? I’m sorry…

Not(o) Swift says, Its me, Hi.. I decided to cut it off with you guys. I talked to Pak Patrick and he just like supportive of my decision. I feel like my intention and company intention is a tad too big difference in vision. Thats why i ended it here. My true intention is to become a professional in Digital Marketer but TBRG isn’t the place i can learn further.

I will miss you guys…

This is me, signing off.

My favorite Band all the time sang a song that goes like this.

Obladi — Oblada, Life Goes On

This is not deleting account but signing off, this is not a goodbye but see you next time.

Dimas Noto is officially LFT pos Digital Marketer.

