An Open Letter For a Friend

Dimas “Noto” Notowidjojo
2 min readNov 23, 2022


Dear Bendol,
I mean….

Dear Rifai,

To be honest I was kinda lost about how I should open this letter, let me try to open this with a small simple quote from one writer that I really love.

“It’s never too late to become who you want to be. I hope you live a life that you’re proud of, and if you find that you’re not, I hope you have the strength to start over.” — F. Scott Fitzgeralt

I know that you are struggling with life at Jakarta, and life at TBRG specifically, I really do understand that. We spent a lot talking at late-night diner Yuri; Together with Diaz, Ridwan, Arfi, and Libran; Then came along Ega, Fresma, and Rivaldi. We all understood that you have that problem, but you prefer to keep it that way.

Honestly, even now, I still think that keeping it for yourself is a huge mistake. Please communicate whatever problem you have with your boss, and how you are not feeling confident about yourself. I hope that you can take something from this.

Now, your chapter is over at TBRG, honestly, I feel relieved because you can let go of everything that weighs on your shoulder after all this time. You can finally do whatever you want again and the most important part is to be happy. Happiness is something precious. You can’t buy happiness, that is for sure. Keeping your happiness means maintaining your mental health, which is sometimes we forgot about it.

I know a piece of an electronic letter wouldn't ease your disappointment. But I hope you can find Solace in this. I really do.

Books have many volumes. Your chapter at TBRG may be over, but not your entire story. Even Harry Potter needs 8 volumes to end, Why should Rifai Bendol end so quickly? Learn more from this, Be happy and be a better man next time we meet.

The Number one Lucifer Pupil,

PS: I still need that invitation for your wedding
PS2: The Key to mind tranquility is Taking a Bath.

